Hungerford Freemasons recently donated £230 to Loose Ends, a drop in centre in Newbury serving food to the homeless and vulnerable. The money, raised in typical masonic style via a raffle, came from the social event following our recent meeting. Lodge members were encouraged to bring raffle prizes as well as tinned food that could be used by the centre.
Loose Ends is run by volunteers who prepare and serve hot, healthy meals as well as offering groceries, tins, toiletries and clean clothes to all those in need.
Helen, a volunteer at Loose Ends thanked everyone for their support and kindness “Without this kind of support, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. We strive to provide a safe, friendly atmosphere where people can socialise. Our clients are often homeless or ‘sofa surfing’, may have addictions, suffer from a mental illness or are on low incomes.”
You can donate to Loose Ends directly via “MyDonate” – click on Donate to Charity and then search for Loose Ends.
Alternatively, you can help them by sending them a gift via Amazon.
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