Our Lodge Meetings

Regular Meetings

We meet on the third Tuesday of February, March, April, October, November and the second Tuesday in December.  The Lodge is typically opened at 6pm. We install our new Master at our November meetings which means that the Lodge is opened at 5pm.

Festive Board

This is the social part of our meetings and involves a meal with wine taking, toasts and short speeches. This follows on from the Regular Meetings and so start time is variable but we aim to dine at about 8.30pm and aim to finish at about 10pm. We hold our Festive Board at the Chequers Hotel in Newbury.

Lodge of Instruction

Lodge of Instruction is an opportunity for masons to practice the ritual in a less formal setting. Often those in the progressive offices will get the chance to try out the roles they will be doing in a year or two’s time. The progressive offices are those roles that a mason normally only occupies for a year before progressing up the ladder towards the Master’s Chair.

This meets in the Newbury branch of the Royal British Legion. See the Calendar for dates.

General Purposes Committee

The General Purposes (GP) Committee is the steering board for the Lodge and is made up of the senior ranking masons within the Lodge. It considers key decisions and then puts  a proposal to the Lodge membership for a vote.

This meets in the Newbury branch of the Royal British Legion. See the Calendar for dates.